With the growing need for solutions that restrict the release and impact of harmful pollutants, Komline has a growing set of solutions that help companies, property owners, and governments limit their impact on our air and water.
Flue Gas Scrubbing
Flue gas can be a key source of harmful emissions, requiring the gases to be scrubbed of harmful substances before they are released. Wet scrubbers work by capturing pollutants with a liquid solution sprayed into the flue gas stream.
Komline’s Rotary Atomizer reliably produces optimally sized droplets in scrubbers used for acidic flue gas neutralization. Wet scrubber sludges are dewatered and washed with Komline’s Rotary Drum Vacuum Filters and Horizontal Vacuum Filters to produce dry filter cake and marketable by-product gypsum. Continuous operation, minimal operator attention, and low maintenance cost make these solutions an ideal choice.
Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure uses design and implementation of natural systems to manage stormwater runoff and ensure that contaminants are captured before they are released into sensitive rivers and wetlands.
Komline’s green infrastructure solutions provide a practical, sustainable way to provide treatment of runoff while enhancing the natural beauty of the surroundings.
Low Impact Development (LID)
Low impact development (LID) is a sustainable approach to land development that can create more resilient and livable developed environments. It includes a variety of techniques that ensure that contaminants are captured before they are released into our sensitive wetlands, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Komline’s stormwater separation and filtration solutions are built to help achieve LID goals, regardless of the situation. They can be used as part of a treatment train approach by providing pretreatment for subsurface infiltration, rainwater harvesting systems, detention, or other water storage and conservation practices.